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Body Appreciation Scale - 2 (BAS-2)

Original Version

Tylka, T. L., & Wood-Barcalow, N. L. (2015)

Portuguese Version

Marta-Simões, J., Mendes, A. L., Trindade, I. A., Oliveira, S., & Ferreira, C. (2016)

General Description

The BAS-2 is as a short and reliable measure of body appreciation (that is the ability to relate with one’s body in an accepting and loving manner, and to appreciate its uniqueness, regardless of the identification of certain aspects which may be inconsistent with the societally-prescribed beauty ideals) for the Portuguese adult Population. The Portuguese validation studies of the BAS-2 revealed the psychometric qualities of the Portuguese version of the BAS are similar to the original study (unidimensional 10-items scale).The Portuguese validation of the BAS-2 also support the idea that body appreciation associates positively with self-compassion and negatively with psychopathology indicators (measured by the DASS-21 and the EDE-Q).

  • Marta-Simões, J., Mendes, A. L., Trindade, I. A., Oliveira, S., & Ferreira, C. (2016). Validation of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 for Portuguese women [abstract proceeding]. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 82, 92. doi:10.1186/s12913-016-1423-5 http://hdl.handle.net/10316/47079

  • Tylka, T. L., & Wood-Barcalow, N. L. (2015). The body appreciation scale-2: Item refinement and psychometric evaluation. Body Image, 12, 53–67. doi:10.1016/j.bodyim.2014.09.006


Maria Joana Marta Simões – mjoana.gms@gmail.com