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Dispositional Positive Emotions Scales (DPES)

Title of the Portuguese Version

Escalas de Emoções Positivas

Original Version

Shiota, M. N., Keltner, D., & John O. P. (2006)

Portuguese Version

Pinto-Gouveia, J., Duarte, J., & Martinho, R. (2012)

General Description

The Dispositional Positive Emotion Scales (DPES) questionnaire is a self-report instrument composed of 38-item, with seven sub-scales: joy (6 items), contentment (5 items), pride (5 items), love (6 items), compassion (5 items), amusement (5 items), and awe (6 items). Participants report their responses in a 7-point scale format with (1)= ‘‘strongly disagree’’ and (7)= ‘‘strongly agree.’’Contact:Joana Duarte – Joana.fm.duarte@gmail.com


Joana Duarte – Joana.fm.duarte@gmail.com