Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL)

Title of the Portuguese Version


Original Version

Kaufman, J., Birmaher, B., Brent, D., Rao, U., Flynn, C., Moreci, P., Williamson, D., & Ryan, N. (1997)

Portuguese Version

Marques, C. C., Matos, A. P., Salvador, M. C., Arnarson, E. O., & Craighead, W. E. (2021)

General Description

K-SADS-PL is a semi-structured diagnostic interview that assesses current and lifetime diagnoses based on DSM-IV criteria; it is designed for use with children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years.


  • Kaufman, J., Birmaher, B., Brent, D., Rao, U., Flynn, C., Moreci, P., Williamson, D., & Ryan, N. (1997). Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL): Initial Reliability and Validity Data. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 36(7), 980–988. 10.1097/00004583-199707000-00021

  • Marques, C. C., Matos, A. P., Salvador, M. C., Arnarson, E. O., & Craighead, W. E. (2021). Reliability and Validity of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL): Portuguese Version. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev.


Cristiana Marques –