24-item version of PWB Scales (PBWS-24)
Escalas de Avaliação do Bem-Estar Psicológico -24 items
Original VersionRyff, C., & Keyes, C. L. M. ( 1995)
Portuguese VersionAlbuquerque, I., Lima, M. P., Matos, M., & Figueiredo, C. (2015)
General DescriptionThe reduced version of 24 item PWBS, assess the Psychological Well-Being as well their six dimensions self-acceptance (SA), positive relationships with others (PRO), environmental mastery (EM) autonomy (AUT) purpose in life (PL) personal growth (PG).
Albuquerque, I. (2015). Pursuing a better understanding of psychological well-being: Confirmatory factor analyses in a Portuguese sample. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Coimbra, Coimbra. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/27109
Ryff, C. D., & Keyes, C. L. (1995). The structure of psychological well-being revisited. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 719-727.
Maria Isabel Albuquerque – ialbuquerque.ialbuquerque@gmail.com