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Dias, D., Mónico, L. S., Carvalho, C., Parreira, P., & Lopes, A. (2019). Narrativas organizacionais: Contributos para a mudança organizacional. In L. Mónico, C. Carvalho, D. Dias, & P. Parreira (Coords.), Capital psicológico, estratégia e gestão na diversidade das organizações (pp. 191-213). Coimbra e Lisboa: ESEnfC, FPCE-UC e ISCSP.
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Pais, L., Santos, N. R., Mónico, L. S., & Seco, H. I. (2019). Análise bibliométrica do capital psicológico. In L. Mónico, C. Carvalho, D. Dias, & P. Parreira (Coords.), Capital psicológico, estratégia e gestão na diversidade das organizações (pp. 23-50). Coimbra e Lisboa: ESEnfC, FPCE-UC e ISCSP.
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Carvalho, C., Ribeiro, L., Mónico, L. S., Dias, D., & Parreira, P. (2019). Teoria dos stakeholders e tomada de decisão dos gestores: Constrangimentos e implicações para o processo de conciliação de interesses dos stakeholders organizacionais. In L. Mónico, C. Carvalho, D. Dias, & P. Parreira (Coords.), Capital psicológico, estratégia e gestão na diversidade das organizações (pp. 73-100). Coimbra e Lisboa: ESEnfC, FPCE-UC e ISCSP.
Mónico, L., Falcão, C., Fonseca, C., Lopes, M., Mariano, L., García-Alonso, J., &, Parreira, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence, psychological capital, and organizational spirituality and in health organizations. BMC Health Services Research, 19 (Suppl 1), A57.
Fonseca-Teixeira, S., Parreira, P., Freitas, M., Mónico, L., Mariano, L., García-Alonso, J., & Amado, J. (2019). Effectiveness of long-term health care in home context versus institutional care for the elderly dependent. BMC Health Services Research, 19 (Suppl 1), A56.
Open AccessMoreira, J., Parreira, P., Mónico, L., Ferrinho, R., Fonseca, C., García-Alonso, J., Oliveira, H., & Graveto, J. (2019). The impact of organizational practices and psychological empowerment on the behaviors of mobilization, job satisfaction and nurses’ turnover: An empirical study carried out in hospital. BMC Health Services Research, 19 (Suppl 1), A59.
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Open AccessNeves, T., Parreira, P., Rodrigues, V., Mónico, L., García-Alonso, J., Ferrinho, R., & Graveto, J. (2019). Nurse staffing in the promotion of the process and quality of healthcare: Nurse managers’ opinion. BMC Health Services Research, 19 (Suppl 1), A63.
Open AccessCruz, C., Mónico, L., Lopes, M., Mendes, F., García-Alonso, J., Oliveira, H., & Parreira, P. (2019). The influence of emotional intelligence as a factor of protection in Stress: What specificities in healthcare professionals? BMC Health Services Research, 19 (Suppl 1), A64.
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Open AccessBatista, A., Fonseca, C., García-Alonso, J., Mónico, L., Murillo, J., Lopes, M., & Ramos, A. (2019). A structured proposal for the intervention of rehabilitation nursing care, for elderly people with a deficit in self-care and motor disorders. BMC Health Services Research, 19 (Suppl 1), A70.
Open AccessOliveira, A. C., Mónico, L., Salgueiro-Oliveira, A., Fonseca, C., Dias, D., & Parreira, P. (2019). The influence of psychological capital and organizational culture on the performance of the health organization. BMC Proceedings, 13 (Suppl 5), A63.
Open AccessLima, F., Cunha, T., Araújo, B., Mónico, L., Salgueiro-Oliveira, A., Marques, A., & Parreira, P. (2019). Umbilical Cord Blood donation process: Motivation and feelings of midwives. BMC Proceedings, 13 (Suppl 5), A64.
Open AccessLima, F., Cunha, T., Araújo, B., Mónico, L., Salgueiro-Oliveira, A., Fonseca, C., & Parreira, P. (2019). Two venipunctures in umbilical cord blood collection: Perception and real use by midwives. BMC Proceedings, 13 (Suppl 5), A65.
Open AccessCruz, C., Mónico, L., Salgueiro- Oliveira, A., Fonseca, C., Dias, D., Carvalho, C., & Parreira, P. (2019). The influence of emotional intelligence while buffer effect on stress. BMC Proceedings, 13 (Suppl 5): A66.
Open AccessMónico, L., Silva, P., Prado, F., Brêda, M. S., Pinto, P., Dias, D., & Parreira, P. (2019). Early maladaptive schemes: The predictive role of parental education and attachment styles. BMC Proceedings, 13 (Suppl 5), A67.
Open AccessMónico, L., Lucas, H., Parreira, P., Freitas, M., Neves, T., Paz, E., & Salgueiro-Oliveira, A. (2019). The role of emotional intelligence in the organizational stress and job satisfaction. BMC Proceedings, 13 (Suppl 5), A68.
Open AccessRebola, R., Mónico, L., Krepser, P., Felício, M., Guagnini, S., Salgueiro-Oliveira, A., & Parreira, P. (2019). Psychological capital and emotional intelligence as protection factors in stress: what specificities in health professionals? BMC Proceedings, 13 (Suppl 5), A69.
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