Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems Scale (ATMHP)
Escala de Atitudes Perante os Problemas de Saúde Mental
Original VersionGilbert, P., Bhundia, R., Mitra, R., McEwan, K., Irons, C., & Sanghera, J. (2007)
Portuguese VersionCabral, J., Barreto Carvalho, C., da Motta, C., Sousa, M., & Gilbert, P. (2016)
General DescriptionThe ATMHP (Gilbert et al., 2007) comprises 35 items assessing different aspects of attitudes and shame referring to mental health problems. The response options range from 0 (do not agree at all) to 3 (completely agree). Higher scores in this scale indicate more negative attitudes toward mental health problems. The Portuguese vertion of the scale is composed of six sections:
All values are either good or very good indicators of the measure’s reliability.
Cabral, J., Barreto Carvalho, C., daMotta, C., Sousa, M., & Gilbert, P. (2016). Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems Scale: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and validation in the Portuguese population. American Journal of Psychiatric Reha-bilitation, 19. doi:10.1080/15487768.2016.1197860
Gilbert, P., Bhundia, R., Mitra, R., McEwan, K., Irons, C., & Sanghera, J. (2007). Cultural differences in shame-focused attitudes towards mental health problems in Asian and non-Asian student women. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 10, 127-141. doi:10.1080/13694670500415124
Joana Moura Cabral –