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Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems Scale (ATMHP)

Title of the Portuguese Version

Escala de Atitudes Perante os Problemas de Saúde Mental

Original Version

Gilbert, P., Bhundia, R., Mitra, R., McEwan, K., Irons, C., & Sanghera, J. (2007)

Portuguese Version

Cabral, J., Barreto Carvalho, C., da Motta, C., Sousa, M., & Gilbert, P. (2016)

General Description

The ATMHP (Gilbert et al., 2007) comprises 35 items assessing different aspects of attitudes and shame referring to mental health problems. The response options range from 0 (do not agree at all) to 3 (completely agree). Higher scores in this scale indicate more negative attitudes toward mental health problems. The Portuguese vertion of the scale is composed of six sections:

  • Factor 1 Community’s Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems (alpha .925);
  • Factor 2 Family Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems (alpha .909);
  • Factor 3 Internal Shame (alpha .922);
  • Factor 4 Reflected Shame on Family (alpha .859);
  • Factor 5 Worries About Reflected Shame on Family (alpha .838);
  • Factor 6 Reflected Shame on the Self (alpha .902).
  • All values are either good or very good indicators of the measure’s reliability.

    • Cabral, J., Barreto Carvalho, C., daMotta, C., Sousa, M., & Gilbert, P. (2016). Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems Scale: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and validation in the Portuguese population. American Journal of Psychiatric Reha-bilitation, 19. doi:10.1080/15487768.2016.1197860

    • Gilbert, P., Bhundia, R., Mitra, R., McEwan, K., Irons, C., & Sanghera, J. (2007). Cultural differences in shame-focused attitudes towards mental health problems in Asian and non-Asian student women. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 10, 127-141. doi:10.1080/13694670500415124


    Joana Moura Cabral – Joana.m.cabral@uac.pt