Clinical Interview for Psychotic Disorders (CIPD)

Title of the Portuguese Version

Entrevista Clínica para as Perturbações Psicóticas

Original Version

Martins, Barreto-Carvalho, Castilho, Pereira, & Macedo (2015)

General Description

The CIPD is a semi-structured clinical interview which allows both the assessment of diagnosis, through the presence/absence of psychotic symptoms, and the symptoms’ psychosocial correlates (e.g. relationship with symptoms, empowerment or interference).

  • Martins, M. J., Barreto-Carvalho, C., Castilho, P., Pereira, A. T., & Macedo, A. (2015). The “Clinical Interview for Psychotic Disorders” (CIPD): Development and expert evaluation. International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health, (2), 7.

    Martins, M.J., Palmeira, L., Xavier, A., Castilho, P., Macedo, A., Pereira, A. T., Pinto, A. M., Carreiras, D., & Barreto-Carvalho, C. (2019). The Clinical Interview for Psychotic Disorders (CIPD): Preliminary results on interrater agreement, reliability and qualitative feedback. Psychiatry Research, 272, 723-729.


Maria João Martins –