Coping with Identity Threat Scale (CITS)

Original Version

Jaspal, R., Lopes, B., & Wignall, L. (2020)

General Description

The CITS is a scale that measures endorsement of different coping styles to cope specifically with identity threat. The scale is composed of 20 items and there are 5 distinct Coping styles: Coping by Social Engagement (items 1,2,3,4); Coping by Concealment/Pretense (items 5,6,7,8); Coping by Denial (items 9,10,11,12,13); Coping by Rethinking/Planning (items 14,15,16,17,18); Coping by Self-Change (items 19,20). A likert response scale is used ranging from 1 (not at all true of me) to 5 (very true of me). A mean score is produced for each coping style and the higher the mean score, the more endorsement of the specific Coping style.

The target population of the scale were students but the scale can be adapted to any kind of population that experiences identity threats (e.g., ethnic minorities, migrants).
