Family Expressiveness Questionnaire (FEQ)
Questionário de Expressividade Familiar
Original VersionHalberstadt, A. G. (1986)
Portuguese VersionDinis, A., Pinto-Gouveia, J., Xavier, A., (2011)
General DescriptionThe FEQ is a 40-item scale that measure family’s overall expressive environment (nonverbal expressiveness and emotionally expressive content). The items assess various negative and positive expressive parents’ behaviors and can be distributed by for four subscales: positive-dominant (PD), positive-nondominant (PS), nonpositive-dominant (ND), and nonpositive-nondominant (NS). The hypothetical affective scenarios presented are rated using a 9-point Likert scale (1=not at all frequently in my family; 9=very frequently in my family). The Portuguese version showed an adequate internal consistency and temporal stability. The construct validity have been studied through the analysis of the correlations with the psychopathology measures (in particular, anxiety, depression, and stress), as well as the family environment measures (specifically, parental bonding and experience of parental care and neglect).
Dinis, A., Pinto-Gouveia, J., Xavier, A., (2011). Estudo de validação da versão portuguesa do Questionário de Expressividade Familiar – QEF. Psychologica, 54, 231-258.
Halberstadt, A. G. (1986). Family socialization of emotional expression and nonverbal communication styles and skills. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 827-836.
José Pinto-Gouveia –
Alexandra Dinis –
Ana Xavier –