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Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale (ISE)

Title of the Portuguese Version

Escala de Autoeficácia para Lidar com a Infertilidade

Original Version

Cousineau, T. M., Green, T. C., Corsini, E. A., Barnard, T., Seibring, A. R., & Domar, A. D. (2006)

Portuguese Version

Galhardo, A., Cunha, M., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2013)

General Description

The Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale (ISE) encompasses 16 items assessing the way infertile patients perceive their abilities to face infertility and the strains of medical treatment. The confirmatory factor analysis of the Portuguese version of the ISE presented, like its original version, an interpretable single component structure, excellent estimated internal consistency, good test–retest reliability, convergence with similar scales and ability to discriminate based on dissimilar scales and demographic and clinical characteristics. Findings support the cognitive-affective regulation single-factor structure.

  • Cousineau, T. M., Green, T. C., Corsini, E. A., Barnard, T., Seibring, A. R., & Domar, A. D. (2006). Development and validation of the Infertility Self- Efficacy scale. Fertility and Sterility, 85, 1684- 1696. doi:S0015-0282(06)00366-9[pii]10.1016/ j.fertnstert.2005.10.077

  • Galhardo, A., Cunha, M., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2013). Measuring self-efficacy to deal with infertility: Psychometric properties and confirmatory factor analysis of the Portuguese version of the Infertility Self-Efficacy Scale. Research in Nursing and Health, 36, 65-74.


Ana Galhardo – anagalhardo@ismt.pt