Knowledge of Infant Development Inventory-P (KIDI-P)
Inventário de Conhecimento sobre o Desenvolvimento Infantil
Original VersionMacPhee, D. (1996)
Portuguese VersionNobre-Lima, L., Vale-Dias, M. L., Mendes, T., Mónico, L., & MacPhee, D. (2014)
General DescriptionSelf-report instrument formed by a one-dimensional scale of 58 items. It provides broad coverage of information, and was designed to assess a person’s factual knowledge of parental practices, child developmental processes, and infant norms of behaviour, in the age range from 2 to 6 years old. Responses to KIDI-P are scored as correct (1), incorrect (2), or not sure (3) according to an answer key that is provided. Three summary scores can be calculated: Attempted, Accuracy, and a Total score. Attempted reflects the frequency with which respondents choose the option “Not Sure”, and is related to confidence in one´s Knowledge. Accuracy score is the proportion of correct answers where “Not Sure” is not checked, and represents exposure to solid, normative information about infants. A Total score is the product of Attempted and Accuracy, and it reflects the percentage of correct answers out of all items on the KIDI-P.
Nobre-Lima, L., Vale-Dias, M. L., Mendes, T., Mónico, L., & MacPhee, D. (2014). The Portuguese version of the Knowledge of Infant Development Inventory-P (KIDI-P). European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 11, 740-745. doi:10.1080/17405629.2014.929941
Luiza Nobre Lima –