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Parenting Questionnaire Scales (PQS)

Title of the Portuguese Version

Escalas do Questionário Parental

Original Version

Soenens, Vansteenkiste, Luyckx, & Goossens (2006)

Portuguese Version

Cordeiro, P., Paixão, P., & Lens, W. (2015)

General Description

The 38-item Parenting Questionnaire Scales measures perceived parenting. The PQS is not a questionnaire per se, but a composite instrument composed of five scales: the 7-item autonomy-support scale, retrieved from the Perceptions of Parents Scales (POPS; Grolnick et al., 1991, e.g., “My mother/father is usually willing to consider things from my point of view), the 7-item responsiveness-warmth scale, included in the Child Report of Parent Behavior Inventory (CRPBI; Schaefer, 1965, e.g., “My father/mother makes me feel better after I discuss my worries with him/her”), the 8-item psychological control scale, integrated in the Youth Self-Report (PCS-YSR; Barber, 1996; e.g., “My mother/father changes the subject whenever I have something to say), the 8-item expectations for behaviour scale (e.g., “My mother/father believes that children should not be able to do anything they want”) and the 8-item Monitoring of Behavior Scale (e.g., “My mother/father asks me questions about how I am behaving outside the home”), included in the Parental Regulation Scale – Youth Self-Report (PRS-YSR; Barber, 2002). The PQS is rated separately for mothers (N = 38) and fathers (N = 38), on a 6-point Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 (Totally Agree) to 5 (Totally disagree). Target population: children and adolescents.

  • Cordeiro, P. (2016).Cognitive-motivational determinants of career decision-making processes: Validation of a conceptual model. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation.Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/47431


Pedro Cordeiro – pedrcordeiro@gmail.com

Maria Paula Paixão – mppaixao@fpce.uc.pt