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Questionário de Experiências de (In) Validação Emocional na Família (QEVE)

Title of the Portuguese Version

Questionário de Experiências de (In) Validação Emocional na Família

Portuguese Version

Dinis, A., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2011)

General Description

The QEVE is a 21-item scale that assesses retrospectively, the emotional validation (and invalidation) environment in family. The Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a structure of two factors, which was later confirmed by a Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The two factors were designated by emotional invalidating experiences (13 items) and emotional validating experiences (8items). For each item the individual respond, separately, for the paternal figure and maternal figure using a 5-likert scale (1= “never true”; 5 = “always true”), with higher scores suggesting a higher frequency of emotional validating or invalidating experiences in the relationship with parents. All sub-scales have an accurate internal consistency. The convergent and divergent validities of the questionnaire was confirmed by correlations with other retrospective measures (that assessing parenting styles, parental emotional expressiveness and early adverse experiences), and with a measure that assesses psychopathology in adulthood.

  • Dinis, A., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2011). Desenvolvimento de um Questionário de Experiências de (In)Validação Emocional na Família. Psychologica, 54, 139-174


José Pinto-Gouveia – jpgouveia@fpce.uc.pt

Alexandra Dinis – alexandra.m.b.dinis@gmail.com