Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale - Short Form (CAPS–SF)

Title of the Portuguese Version

Escala de Perfecionismo para Adolescentes – versão curta

Original Version

Flett, Hewitt, Besser, Su, Vaillancourt, Boucher, & Gale (2016)

Portuguese Version

Bento, Pereira, Azevedo, Saraiva, Flett, Hewitt, & Macedo (2019)

General Description

Escala de Perfecionismo para Adolescentes – versão curta: The Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale is a measure of interpersonal expression of perfectionistic behavior for children and adolescents.

  • Flett, G. L., Hewitt, P. L., Besser, A., Su, C., Vaillancourt, T., Boucher, D., … Gale, O. (2016). The Child–Adolescent Perfectionism Scale: Development, Psychometric Properties, and Associations With Stress, Distress, and Psychiatric Symptoms. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 34(7), 634–652.

    Bento, C., Pereira, A. T., Azevedo, J., Saraiva, J., Flett, G., Hewitt, P. L., & Macedo, A. (n.d.). Development and Validation of a Short Form of the Child–Adolescent Perfectionism Scale. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, DOI:10.1177/0734282919879834


Julieta Azevedo –