Teachers Acceptance and Action Questionaire (TAAQ-PT)

Title of the Portuguese Version

Questionário de Aceitação e Ação para Professores

Original Version

Hinds, E., Jones, L. B., Gau, J. M., Forrester, K. K., & Biglan, A. (2015)

Portuguese Version

Galhardo, A., Carvalho, B., Massano-Cardoso, I., & Cunha, M. (2020)

General Description

The TAAQ-PT is 10 items, unidimensional self-report instrument that aims to assess how teachers use emotional and behavioral control, the propensity to avoid negative thoughts and emotions, and the obstacles to action (once negative thoughts and emotions occur). The TAAQ was designed based on the AAQ-II and items were adapted in order to address teaching-related thoughts and feelings and the extent to which they get in the way of values guided actions (e.g., “I sometimes feel very distracted by my negative thoughts about students,”, “After a difficult interaction at school, I have a hard time turning my attention back to my teaching responsibilities”). A 7-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (never true) to 7 (always true), is used to rate the items.

  • Galhardo, A., Carvalho, B., Massano-Cardoso, I., Cunha, M.  (2020). Assessing teacher-related experiential avoidance: Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Teachers Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (TAAQ-PT). International Journal of School & Educational Psychology,1-10. https://doi.org/10.1080/21683603.2020.1760978

  • Hinds, E., Jones, L. B., Gau, J. M., Forrester, K. K., & Biglan, A. (2015). Teacher distress and the role of experiential avoidance. Psychology in the Schools, 52(3), 284–297. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.21821
