Voices Acceptance and Action Scale (VAAS)

Title of the Portuguese Version

Escala de Aceitação e Ação para as Vozes

Original Version

Shawyer, Ratcliff, Mackinnon, Farhall, Hayes, & Copolov (2007)

Portuguese Version

Martins, Castilho, Macedo, Pereira, Vagos, Carvalho, Carolina, & Barreto Carvalho (2019).

General Description

The VAAS was developed to assess acceptance-based or action-based beliefs in response to auditory verbal hallucinations, in general and specifically to command hallucinations. This 31-item scale is divided into section A (i.e., 12 item stand-alone scale for general auditory hallucinations) and section B, referring specifically to command hallucinations. The participant is asked to rate their opinion from 1 ‘Strongly Disagree’ to 5 ‘Strongly Agree’, with higher scores meaning higher levels of acceptance and perception of acting according to one’s valued life directions.

  • Referência original:

    Shawyer, F., Ratcliff, K., Mackinnon, A., Farhall, J., Hayes, S.C., Copolov, D., 2007. The voices acceptance and action scale (VAAS): Pilot data. J. Clin. Psychol. 63, 593–606. https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.20366

    Referência da validação portuguesa:

    Martins, M.J., Castilho, P., Macedo, A., Pereira, A.T., Vagos, P., Carvalho, D., Carolina P., & Barreto Carvalho, C. (2019).Voices Acceptance and Action Scale: Psychometric properties in a clinical sample with psychosis-spectrum disorders. Análise Psicológica, 37(1). https://doi.org/ 10.14417/ap.1561


Maria João Martins – martins.mjrv@gmail.com